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Espresso English Podcast

Sep 29, 2021

Today’s lesson is a quick tip about a small difference that could really mix you up – do you attend English class, or attend to English class?

Watch the lesson to find out!

(I'll also explain when to use call vs. call to)

It’s in these tiny little details where English learners – even more advanced ones –...

Sep 22, 2021

Let's practice pronunciation together!

We'll work on pairs of words with confusing pronunciation - in which the same combinations of letters are pronounced differently.

One very frustrating thing about the English language is that the pronunciation is irregular. There aren’t strict pronunciation rules that you could...

Sep 15, 2021

Do you know the difference between business and busyness?

They're pronounced differently...

...and they mean different things!

Let's learn them in this quick lesson.

If you need to use English in your job or career, I can help you speak more confidently when you join my Business English Course!

It will teach you...

Sep 1, 2021

Today I’m going to explain two phrases in English – one is saying “something speaks for itself” and the other is telling someone “speak for yourself.”

These are very different, and I’ll teach them to you by using examples of situations where we’d use these expressions.

To learn a lot more common...