Jun 21, 2017
We're in the middle of the month of June, and next month is July... so today let's learn 10 vocabulary words that begin with the letter "J."
Don't just read the lesson... also, make sure to listen to the
words and repeat them out loud to practice your pronunciation.
One of the most effective things you can do to...
Jun 14, 2017
Today’s lesson is inspired by a student question – he asked what
the expression “we're spinning our wheels” means. Take the lesson
to find out!
You'll learn 10 interesting expressions for
progress, including:
Jun 7, 2017
When writing a business letter or when e-mailing a business
contact who we don’t know well, we use slightly more formal words
and expressions.
Today you’ll learn how to transform casual, conversational English
into more appropriate business English phrases.
If you’re learning English for your career, make sure to...