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Espresso English Podcast

Oct 4, 2017

A "joke" is a funny comment or short story that is supposed to make people laugh. Do you know any good jokes?

Today's lesson will teach you some useful English vocabulary for talking about jokes and humor!

You'll learn:

  • how to describe a funny joke vs. a bad joke
  • what it means to be a "laughingstock"
  • when to say...

Sep 20, 2017

English pronunciation and spelling are very tricky - the same letter can be pronounced in different ways, and the same sound can be spelled with different letters.

Today you're going to learn about a common pronunciation mistake that students make with the letter "U," and practice words with the long and short U...

Sep 13, 2017

Today is my birthday! I'm now 33 years old  :-)

That's why today's new English lesson will teach you 30 expressions with "party."

This word actually has a few different meanings in English - take the lesson to find out what they are!

Do you want to get me a birthday present?

The best thing you can do for me is to...

Sep 6, 2017

In American culture, people go to bars to socialize, flirt, and even to get to know business colleagues.

In today's lesson, you'll learn 21 expressions about bars and drinking alcohol. Many of them are slang or informal expressions.

This is a guest post by my teacher friend Ryan from 

Aug 30, 2017

phrasal verb is a combination of a verb + preposition that has a specific meaning.

Sometimes the meaning of the phrasal verb is quite different from the meaning of the regular verb by itself!

I often see students make mistakes by mixing up regular verbs and phrasal verbs. Here are some common verbs and phrasal verbs...