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Espresso English Podcast

Apr 26, 2023

Are you ready to try pronouncing some SUPER-LONG English words?

Today we're going to practice pronouncing words with 6 and 7 syllables!

Before we begin, two important tips for pronouncing long words:

First, you need to know which syllable is the strong one, so that you stress the right part of the word. I'll show you...

Apr 19, 2023

How many phrases do you know for talking about price in English?

You can say “it’s expensive” or “it’s a good price” - those phrases are ok, but very basic!

So let's learn 10 more phrases we use to talk about price.

I created two excellent courses to teach you daily life phrases like these - they’re my 

Apr 12, 2023

When you put your shoulders up to say "I don't know"... is that called lifting, raising, or shrugging your shoulders?

When you move your head up and down to say "yes," is that called bowing, nodding, or shaking your head?

You'll learn the answers to these in today's lesson about verb + body part collocations!
