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Espresso English Podcast

Sep 30, 2020

Today you're going to learn 14 business English “buzzwords” – informal expressions that you might hear at work or in a professional context.

I'll tell you a little story that will teach you expressions like:

  • push the envelope
  • a shoestring budget
  • streamline
  • pitch an idea
  • the lion's share
  • ...and more

There are...

Sep 23, 2020

Today I’m going to teach you how to use worse and worst correctly.

Even some native English speakers confuse these words!
After taking this lesson, you’ll understand the difference clearly - and you'll also learn a few expressions with each one.
The opposite of worse is better, and I'm here to help your English...

Sep 16, 2020

Do you know what color these words describe: maroon, fuchsia, hazel, and ivory?

You probably learned simple colors like red, yellow, and blue in your first year of English... but the language has a lot more color words than these basic ones!

Today you'll learn 12 interesting vocabulary words for colors.

One quick...

Sep 11, 2020

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Hello students! Today is the final day of our mini-course on words with multiple...

Sep 10, 2020

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Hi there! It's lesson 4 of our mini-course on words with multiple...