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Espresso English Podcast

Jun 28, 2023

Don’t say “I’m thinking to buy a new car.”

The correct way is “I’m thinking about buying a new car.”

There are actually multiple prepositions we can use after the verb “think,” but what’s the difference between them?

That’s what you’ll learn in today’s lesson!

How can you improve your...

Jun 26, 2023

Download the PDF of this lesson text - 

Now let's continue learning inside my 300+ Idioms Course!

The lessons in the idioms course are more than just lists... instead, they help you learn the expressions more actively:

  • First you'll see examples of idioms in...

Jun 23, 2023

Download the PDF of this lesson text - 

Now let's continue learning inside my 300+ Idioms Course!

The lessons in the idioms course are more than just lists... instead, they help you learn the expressions more actively:

  • First you'll see examples of idioms in...

Jun 21, 2023

Do you know the English words for toiletries?

Wait... what are toiletries? Like – a toilet + trees?

No – toiletries are things used for taking care of your hygiene and appearance. Today you’ll learn 20 vocabulary words for common personal care items.

When you expand your English vocabulary, then you can speak...

Jun 19, 2023

Prepositional phrases are groups of words starting with a preposition, that describe nouns, verbs, and adjectives. We’ll see lots of examples in this lesson!

Lesson text: 

500 phrases e-book: 
