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Espresso English Podcast

Oct 28, 2020

This month we’ve been doing a series on different ways to say things in English, in order to help expand your vocabulary and know what to say in lots of situations.

Today we’ll cover 20 ways to say "thank you" – phrases for expressing gratitude and appreciation.

We’ll start out with some basic ones you probably...

Oct 21, 2020

Today you're going to learn 20 different ways to say "sorry" in English.

Why should you learn all these different expressions?

Because they're used in different situations. There are many different times we might want to say "sorry," but we'd use different words depending on whether we spilled some coffee, or hurt...

Oct 14, 2020

Last week you learned 20 different ways to say "yes" in English, and today you’ll learn 20 different expressions for "no."

These are especially important to learn because we often want to be polite when declining an invitation or request – it sounds a little rude to just say "no."

Or maybe you want to add some...

Oct 7, 2020

Today you’re going to learn a lot of different ways to say “yes” in English.

But wait – why should you learn these expressions, when you could just use “yes” to keep things simple?
There are two good reasons:
  1. So that you can understand native English speakers, because we use these expressions all the...