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Espresso English Podcast

Dec 14, 2022

When learning another language, it's easy to make the mistake of being a little bit rude, since you might not be aware of the phrases that are considered "polite" or "impolite" by native speakers.

I’m sure you already know to say “Please”, “Thank you,” and “Excuse me” – but today I’ll teach you 

Dec 7, 2022

Do you ever notice that we use the word “said” a lot?

He said this, she said that, then I said something else. Now there’s nothing wrong with the word “said,” it’s perfectly fine – but the English language has TONS of other options.

Today we’re going to learn 40 words you can use instead of...

Nov 23, 2022

Today I’m going to explain why we never say “more better.”

English learners sometimes say things like, “My English is getting more better” – but it’s ALWAYS incorrect. Take the lesson to learn the right way to express comparatives!

I hope this helps make things clear!

If you already understand this well...

Nov 16, 2022

Once I asked my students, “What are the most difficult English words for you to pronounce?” and I got a lot of great answers!

Today we’re going to practice 15 words that English learners often find hard to say.

I’ll say each one once slowly, once at normal speed, and then I’ll say an example sentence – so...

Nov 9, 2022

The verb “be” is one of the most common words in the English language – but it has different forms, like be, being, and been.

Do you know when to use each one correctly?

I’ll explain it today, with plenty of examples!

If you’re looking for simple, clear, step-by-step grammar lessons, check out my Basic &...