May 15, 2019
If you watch TV and movies in English, you'll probably see a lot
of new words and expressions that might not come up in your regular
English study.
Sometimes it’s hard to understand what certain phrases mean, so
students write to me and ask for clarification. In today’s
lesson, I’ll explain ten phrases from TV shows
and movies that students have asked me about
If you ever come across a phrase that you can’t figure out, feel
free to e-mail me and ask me what it means, and I’ll do my best to
explain it!
Informal spoken English – like the kind you hear in movies and
native speakers’ conversations – is full of expressions that
English textbooks often don’t teach
So how can you learn these expressions WITHOUT getting confused and
One way is to join my Everyday English Speaking
Course - Level 2!
This course teaches you informal phrases, idioms, and slang in the
context of conversations. It's a great way to improve your
comprehension and learn a lot of surprising new expressions.
Speaking Level 2 is geared towards upper-intermediate and advanced
students, so I suggest you take the free sample
lesson before joining, to see if it will be a
good fit for your English level.